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HYDROPEL is an integral water-repellent admixture for concrete and mortar. It is used in all Portland cement mixes as an integral water repellant that reduces water absorption in concrete.




  • For pumped concrete, HYDROPEL serves as a lubricant to facilitate pumping, in addition to performing the functions mentioned in direct poured concrete.
  • For mortar and stucco, HYDROPEL is used in exterior mortar and stucco to reduce absorption when exposed to moisture. It is especially suitable where saltpetre is present.
  • For cast-in-place concrete, HYDROPEL is used on concrete that will be exposed to continuous or intermittent moisture. Examples of these are: floors above ground, retaining walls, roofs, exterior walls and columns.




The incorporation of HYDROPEL in Portland cement mixtures produces a chemical change within the mixture. HYDROPEL forms an insoluble compound that reacts as an impermeable membrane on the sides of the walls of the pores and openings of the mixture, making them repellent to water. This phenomenon reduces outward evaporation during the curing process, minimizing plastic shrinkage and making curing more effective.




HYDROPEL is dosed to concrete and mortar with water. Dosage is 16-32 ounces per cement bag (2000 ml/100kg cement) for severe moisture exposure.




HYDROPEL is packaged in 5 gallon pails and 55 gallon tanks.




Since there are no defined procedures for the evaluation of waterproofing additives, we present the following absorption test:

Two cylinders without HYDROPEL and two with HYDROPEL are dry cured for seven days. For this curing they can be placed in an empty barrel and covered. This without water. The barrel or container should be stored in a place free from the sun. They are left here for seven days. At the end of seven days they are taken out and weighed dry as they come out. They are then submerged in water. They are removed at 1 day, 4 days and 7 days and weighed in saturated surface condition, noting the increases.




To make the effect of HYDROPEL noticeable, the mix design should preferably be without other additives. Furthermore, with a cement content of approx. 600 lbs. per cubic meter.

A single mix of such volume that 8 cylinders and 2 slump tests can be taken can be used. A slump test is made of this mixture and 4 cylinders are taken. The volume for these tests without HYDROPEL is 1.0 cubic feet. To the rest, the dosage of HYDROPEL is added according to volume. This is tested for slump and four cylinders. Of the cylinders that are not used for the absorption test, one is cured in water to break for 7 days and the other is dried in the sun for 1 day and used for a test/demonstration with the cylinders without and with HYDROPEL. , with 2 inches submerged in water in containers to observe how the water rises up the sides HYDROPEL remains in the middle of the cylinder without HYDROPEL. The 28-day tests are done with the cylinders used in the absorption test. They are two of each cured under the same conditions.


  • HYDROPEL is an integral water-repellent admixture for concrete and mortar. It is used in all Portland cement mixes as an integral water repellant that reduces water absorption in concrete.

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